2024 Annual Meeting - Q&A

Posted September 12, 2024

  1. Personnel Matters
    • There were a handful of questions from the annual meeting related directly to personnel matters. It is standard practice that the Ontonagon County REA does not discuss personnel matters publicly.
  2. Advertise Annual Meeting! It may help quorum requirement.
    • Thank you for your input. We will add some additional advertising measures for the annual meeting next year.
  3. Any changes to net metering policy anticipated?
    • We don’t anticipate any changes to the net metering policy at this time
  4. Is it possible to get line clearing crew to clear the power line on my property which is about 200’ long off of the main line on the country road? Currently the line is getting over grown with live and dead trees.
    • Yes, we can definitely get a crew to come clear the line. Please call the office and let the Operation’s Manager know the location so they can create a tree ticket.
  5. What is UPPCO a foreign London financial company offering our Co-op?
    • Any questions concerning offers from other utilities should remain confidential until there is a need to make the membership aware. In the event of any substantive outcome the By-laws would dictate the memberships’ role.
  6. What are the possibilities for community solar given actions in Michigan State house? Can OCREA participate?
    • There are no offerings as of this date. However, the REA is looking into the possibility of an offering in the future.
  7. Please say more about the UPPCO offer. What input do members have to that decision?
    • Any questions concerning offers from other utilities should remain confidential until there is a need to make the membership aware. In the event of any substantive outcome the By-laws would dictate the memberships’ role.
  8. We are concerned about the new metering system using tall towers. We are concerned about the adverse effects of the radiation from transmitters at our home. We would like other ways to have our meter read?
    • Right now, we are not offering an opt-out option, but we will work with you to relocate your meter to a location not attached to your residence (at the member’s expense).
  9. With no quorum, no official business able to be done at these meetings. The board is doing a great job, how would quorum at these meetings effect outcomes?
    • Without a quorum new business cannot be presented or acted upon.
  10. Are there unfused radial lines in the system? If there are, are there plans to install fuses to minimize outage areas? Outages that we have experienced lately occur during wind and/or wet snow. Thank you for working to clear the line right of ways.
    • It is the practice of the Ontonagon REA to place circuit optimization devices in areas that enhance system reliability in the most cost-effective manner possible.

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